Lamb of Light
“The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light.”Revelation 21:23
Salvation. Liberation. Healing. Restoration. Purpose.
This Christian non-profit organization recognizes that God is still touching lives and saving lives. Like never before, many people are being set free from demonic oppression. God is an expert in healing, restoring, and making things new. It is God that establishes His people to walk in His purpose.
The Power of Multiplication
The Book
Author Celeste Perez
Since the beginning of times, God had a clear image of how he wanted His children to live. Unfortunately, not only have you and I altered that plan, but the great deceiver, Satan, has also played a part. It was never God’s intention for you to be stuck or stagnant.
The purpose of this book is to demonstrate that God is the originator of the power of multiplication, and through this power, humans have the power to use it for His glory. Today, there are promises that Christians can tap into through the power of multiplication.
Awake Christians!
The Book
Author Celeste Perez
The purpose of this book is to inspire Christians around the world to not lose track of who are they in Christ and to pursue with fire the will of God in their lives, and fulfill their ministry. The church that God will rise will be one that is ready but is the church really ready? Many Christians are spiritually tired, fatigue, or sleeping. Many Christians have lost their first love, their fire for Jesus, and are consumed with worries of the world. The hope of the author is that Christians around the world be encourage to awake, to rise, to shine, and to defend Christ.
How can we pray for you?
We believe in the power of prayer and there is nothing God cannot do. No situation, No challenge, No sickness and No Limitations cannot limit God to work in supernatural realms. Miracles do happen with the power of prayer. Let us pray for you!
Speaking the word of God and introducing lessons that can change your life.
Prophetic Requests
You are a call away from getting a one-on-one with the prophet